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Martin-Fernandez, M., E. Muñoz-Moreno, L. Cammoun, J-P. Thiran, C-F. Westin, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Addendum to “Sequential anisotropic multichannel Wiener filtering with Rician bias correction applied to 3D regularization of DWI data”[Medical Image Analysis 13 (2009) 19–35]", Medical image analysis, vol. 13, no. 6: Elsevier, pp. 910, 2009.
Martin-Fernandez, M. Angel, R. Cárdenes-Almeida, E. Muñoz-Moreno, R. de Luis-García, M. Martin-Fernandez, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Automatic articulated registration of hand radiographs", Image and Vision Computing, vol. 27, no. 8: Elsevier, pp. 1207–1222, 2009.
Aja-Fernández, S., G. Vegas-Sánchez-Ferrero, M. Martin-Fernandez, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Automatic noise estimation in images using local statistics. Additive and multiplicative cases", Image and Vision Computing, vol. 27, no. 6: Elsevier, pp. 756–770, 2009.
de Luis-García, R., A. C Lopez, G. Kindlmann, and C-F. Westin, "Automatic segmentation of white matter structures from DTI using tensor invariants and tensor orientation", Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med, 2009.
Tristán-Vega, A., C-F. Westin, and S. Aja-Fernández, "Bias of least squares approaches for diffusion tensor estimation from array coils in DT–MRI", Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2009: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 919–926, 2009.
Tristán-Vega, A., S. Aja-Fernández, and C-F. Westin, "On the Blurring of the Funk–Radon Transform in Q–Ball Imaging", Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2009: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 415–422, 2009.
Cárdenes-Almeida, R., D. Argibay-Quiñones, E. Muñoz-Moreno, and M. Martin-Fernandez, "Characterization of anatomic fiber bundles for diffusion tensor image analysis", Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2009: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 903–910, 2009.
Muñoz-Moreno, E., and M. Martin-Fernandez, "Characterization of the similarity between diffusion tensors for image registration", Computers in biology and medicine, vol. 39, no. 3: Pergamon, pp. 251–265, 2009.
Tristán-Vega, A., and S. Aja-Fernández, "Design and construction of a realistic DWI phantom for filtering performance assessment", Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2009: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 951–958, 2009.
Tristán-Vega, A., C-F. Westin, and S. Aja-Fernández, "Estimation of fiber orientation probability density functions in high angular resolution diffusion imaging", NeuroImage, vol. 47, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 638–650, 2009.
Aja-Fernández, S., A. Tristán-Vega, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Noise estimation in single-and multiple-coil magnetic resonance data based on statistical models", Magnetic resonance imaging, vol. 27, no. 10: Elsevier, pp. 1397–1409, 2009.
Krissian, K., and S. Aja-Fernández, "Noise-driven anisotropic diffusion filtering of MRI", Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 18, no. 10: IEEE, pp. 2265–2274, 2009.
Muñoz-Moreno, E., S. Aja-Fernández, and M. Martin-Fernandez, "Quality Assessment of Tensor Images", Tensors in Image Processing and Computer Vision: Springer London, pp. 79–103, 2009.
Muñoz-Moreno, E., R. Cárdenes-Almeida, and M. Martin-Fernandez, "Review of techniques for registration of diffusion tensor imaging", Tensors in Image Processing and Computer Vision: Springer London, pp. 273–297, 2009.
de Luis-García, R., C. Alberola-Lopez, and C-F. Westin, "Segmentation of tensor fields: Recent advances and perspectives", Tensors in Image Processing and Computer Vision: Springer, pp. 35–58, 2009.
Martin-Fernandez, M., E. Muñoz-Moreno, L. Cammoun, J-P. Thiran, C-F. Westin, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Sequential anisotropic multichannel Wiener filtering with Rician bias correction applied to 3D regularization of DWI data", Medical image analysis, vol. 13, no. 1: Elsevier, pp. 19–35, 2009.
Brun, A., M. Martin-Fernandez, B. Acar, E. Muñoz-Moreno, L. Cammoun, A. Sigfridsson, D. Sosa-Cabrera, B. Svensson, M. Herberthson, and H. Knutsson, "Similar Tensor Arrays–A Framework for Storage of Tensor Array Data", Tensors in Image Processing and Computer Vision: Springer London, pp. 407–428, 2009.
Aja-Fernández, S., R. de Luis-García, D. Tao, and X. Li, Tensors in image processing and computer vision: Springer, 2009.
Merino-Caviedes, S., and M. Martin-Fernandez, "User Interfaces to Interact with Tensor Fields", Tensors in Image Processing and Computer Vision: Springer London, pp. 429–454, 2009.
Martin-Fernandez, M. Angel, M. Martin-Fernandez, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "A log-euclidean polyaffine registration for articulated structures in medical images", Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2009: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 156–164, 2009.
Casaseca-de-la-Higuera, P., F. Simmross-Wattenberg, M. Martin-Fernandez, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "A multichannel model-based methodology for extubation readiness decision of patients on weaning trials", Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 56, no. 7: IEEE, pp. 1849–1863, 2009.
Cárdenes-Almeida, R., R. de Luis-García, and M. Bach-Cuadra, "A multidimensional segmentation evaluation for medical image data", Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, vol. 96, pp. 108–124, 2009.
