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"Anomaly detection in network traffic based on statistical inference and alpha-stable modeling", Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 8, pp. 494–509, 2011.
, "Modelling Network Traffic as alpha-Stable Stochastic Processes: An Approach Towards Anomaly Detection", Proc. VII Jornadas de Ingenierıa Telematica (JITEL), pp. 25–32, 2008.
, "Group-Slicer: A collaborative extension of 3D-Slicer", Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 38, pp. 431–442, 2005.
, "Fast calculation of alpha-stable density functions based on off-line precomputations. Application to ML parameter estimation", Digital Signal Processing, vol. 38, pp. 1-12, 2015.
, "OpenCLIPER: An OpenCL-Based C++ Framework for Overhead-Reduced Medical Image Processing and Reconstruction on Heterogeneous Devices", IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 23, pp. 1702-1709, July, 2019.