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Filters: Author is Rodrigo de Luis-García and First Letter Of Title is P [Clear All Filters]
"Poster Presentations 2-Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, and Applications-Tensor Processing for Texture and Colour Segmentation", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3540: Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1973-, pp. 1117–1127, 2005.
, "Pull-Push Level Sets: A new term to encode prior knowledge for the segmentation of teeth images", Medical Imaging: International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 598–605, 2005.
, "Parametric 3D hip joint segmentation for the diagnosis of developmental dysplasia", Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2006. EMBS'06. 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE: IEEE, pp. 4807–4810, 2006.
, "Psychological effects of the COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown among students and workers of a Spanish university", Psychiatry Research, vol. 290, pp. 113108, 2020.
, "Psychological symptoms of the outbreak of the COVID-19 confinement in Spain", Journal of Health Psychology, pp. 1359105320967086, 2020.