
Oferta de contrato predoctoral FPI

[22 Oct 2019]

El LPI ofrece un contrato de investigación doctoral vinculado a un proyecto de investigación de la convocatoria Retos de la Sociedad 2019. La oferta corresponde con un contrato FPI predoctoral, convocatoria 2019: [Enlace a la convocatoria]

Proyecto RTI2018-094569-B-I00, Resonancia Magnética de Difusión para Medicina Personalizada: del Análisis a la Predicción. Aplicación al Estudio de Migraña. La concesión del contrato está regulada por la convocatoria oficial.

[Detalles] [resumen]

PhD Position Available

[22 Oct 2019]

The LPI is recruiting a PhD student to carry out his/her research in the diffusion MRI field. Questions should be directed to Professor Santiago Aja-Fernandez at

The position has been granted by the Spain Science Ministry and it is linked to the research grant entitled "Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging for precision medicine: from analysis to prediction. Application to migraine ". The PhD must be carried out in the University of Valladolid. The position is subject to an official application to the Ministry.

[Details (in Spanish)] [Overview (in Spanish)]

Preprint available: Microstructure Diffusion Scalar Measures from Reduced MRI Acquisitions

[19 Sep 2019]

We propose the so-called "Apparent Measures Using Reduced Acquisitions" (AMURA) to drastically reduce the number of samples needed for the estimation of q-space measures such as RTOP, RTAP and RTPP. AMURA avoids the calculation of the whole EAP by assuming the diffusion anisotropy is roughly independent from the radial direction.

Available to download as a preprint ar [bioRxiv]

PhD Thesis defended

[16 Sep 2019]

Last 13th September 2019 Iñali Rabanillo defended his PhD Thesis entitled "Artifact reduction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging: noise modelling in 2D/3D GRAPPA
accelerated acquisitions and motion-induced ghosting correction in multishot diffusion MRI
", getting a qualification of "Sobresaliente" and being proposed for "cum laude" distinction.

Un trabajo fin de grado realizado en el LPI consigue un 98% de acierto en el diagnóstico del TDAH

[30 Aug 2019]

El TFG realizado por Patricia Amado Caballero "Ayuda al diagnóstico del TDAH en la infancia mediante técnicas de procesado de señal y aprendizaje" ha dado lugar a un sistema que alcanza un 98% de acierto en el diagnóstico del TDAH. El TFG aplica técnicas de aprendizaje profundo (deep learning) para analizar firmas espectrales en patrones de movimiento. Para adquirir estos patrones se han utilizado pulseras de actividad que no interfieren para nada en la vida diaria del niño.

OpenCLIPER: An OpenCL-Based C++ Framework for Overhead-Reduced Medical Image Processing and Reconstruction on Heterogeneous Devices

OpenCLIPER performance vs. alternatives
[03 Jul 2019]

OpenCLIPER allows us to take advantage of any parallel computing device (CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, DSPs, etc., as long as there is an OpenCL implementation for it), while developing medical imaging methods, but without the burden that OpenCL generally conveys. The work has been published in the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics journal.

Thesis distinction

[31 May 2019]

Tomasz Pieciak has received a distinction for his thesis entitled "Non-stationary noise estimation in accelerated parallel MRI data" in the contest sponsored by the ABB HQ in Poland. The contest is organized in the area of technical sciences and includes theses defended in various fields such as advanced technologies and engineering systems, automation and industrial diagnostics, power electronics and technologies, and computer science systems. The thesis was co-supervised by Prof. Santiago Aja-Fernández.

A Novel Second-Order Scheme for the Multi-Stencil Fast Marching Method

[12 Feb 2019]

A paper entitled "A Second Order Multi-Stencil Fast Marching Method With a Non-Constant Local Cost Model" has been recently published in the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. The proposed scheme has been applied to optimal course planning of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in a flooding episode, and achieves better tradeoff between the distance travelled by the UAV and the amount of visited flooded land than previous state-of-the-art schemes of the Fast Marching method.
