Métodos Autocalibrados de Reconstrucción de resonancia Magnética

Tipo de Tesis: 
Trabajo de Fin de Máster (Master Thesis)
Daniel García Martín
Santiago Aja Fernández
ETSI Telecomunicación, Universidad de Valladolid

Magnetic resonance imaging has become an important diagnostic tool in the field of medicine. A main limitation was the relatively high acquisition time that was needed to get an image. It encouraged, among other solutions, the search for reconstruction methods that would reduce acquisition times, resulting in a family of methods for image reconstruction in parallel MRI. Amongst them, GRAPPA is one of the most prominent due to its relative advantage compared to other alternatives. This work is aimed at seeking modifications to the original GRAPPA method, especially in the stage of obtaining the coefficients for the reconstruction, through the discrimination of certain equations used for adjustment. Likewise, a study shows the improvements achieved with the use of these modifications which compares their efficiency with respect to the original GRAPPA method.