Convergencia de Tecnologías Médicas para la Gestión Integral del Remodelado Cardiovascular (cvREMOD)

Grant Type: 
Principal investigator: 
Prof. Marcos Martín Fernández y Carlos Alberola López (Nodo UVa)
Funding institution: 
Atos Origin, S.A.U. (Convocatoria CENIT)
ETSI Telecomunicación. Universidad de Valladolid (Nodo UVa)
570.061,11 Eur. +IVA

cvREMOD focuses on cardiovascular diseases and, specifically, on cardiovascular remodelling: how to evaluate it, what it means, how this knowledge can be incorporated in computational models that improve the efectiveness of prevention, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies on the main cardiovascular disease, making them personalized with measurements and image records of each particular patient, and how all this information and this innovative technologies can be used to manage patients with specific cardiovascular problems. In this scenario, the LPI-UVA group is  responsible for building individualized and population atlases of cardiovascular signals (ECG, PPG, SaO2). In addition, the LPI-UVA group is in charge of providing solutions for analyzing late enhancement and perfusion images.